CASE 2006 Year in Summary

Wednesday, 31 January 2007

Total value traded in 2006 amounted USD 50.13 billion. Value traded of listed securities amounted to USD 45.46 billion, of which shares, bonds, represented 90.68 %, 2.73 %, respectively. On the other hand, OTC trading reached USD 2.73 billion, which represents 5.45 % of total value traded. Total volume traded 2006 reached 9,081 million securities, while 6,821,440 transactions were concluded with an average of 27,957 trade per day. Total number of listed companies on CASE in 2006 was 595 companies. The Market Capitalization in 2006 reaches USD 93 Billion while CASE 30 Price Index, the official market index, witnessed 10.3 % increase to reach 6,973.41 points at the end of 2006.