Future Outlook 2009

Tuesday, 6 January 2009

In the 2009 the Belgrade Stock Exchange will:


  • Upgrade all operations, rules and procedures to provide state-of-art service to market participants, Exchange members and investors;

  • Organize first Regional Roadshow in Belgrade, in May, 2009

  • Continue promotion of stock exchange operations through road shows outside the country,

  • Further develop the existing indexes and indicators;

  • Strive to motivate the best Serbian companies and banks to apply for Official Listing Prime and Standard Market, along with further affirmation of diversification of segments of the regulated market;

  • Further develop the segmentation of the Stock Exchange market, by developing new market segments and improving the qualities of the existing ones;

  • Carry out preparations and realization of classification of issuers whose shares are traded on the Exchange by sectors, in line with the leading global standards;

  • Develop and promote new market making functionalities;

  • Explore possibilities for introducing new instruments to the market;

  • Promote information on corporate events and news related to the most liquid issuers, through direct cooperation with media and news agencies;

  • Work on the development of the project with listed companies, which should enable autonomous updating of all documents (prospectuses, reports on material events, plans, and the like), news, notices, announcements and the like, which the Stock Exchange receives from issuers to be posted on its internet pages;

  • Carry out modification of BELEXFIX application and testing of brokers solutions for the client application;

  • Carry out improvements BELEX.info and other commercial applications for monitoring trading in real time, based on the FIX protocol

  • Broaden network of international data vendors;

  • Work on promotion and education of issuers in the domain of the corporate governance, according to recenlty published Belgrade SE Corporate Governance Code.

  • Continue educational activities with the existing and new training programs and seminars for general and professional public and media;

  • Improve media coverage of stock exchange activities;

  • Edit and publish new editions and publications;

  • Continue work on developing human resources;

  • Take active part in international meetings and events organized by FEAS, FESE, ex-Yu Partnership of Exchanges and other international organizations and work on organizing international and regional meetings and events,

  • Organize the 8th International Annual Conference, in mid November 2009