Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB) announces the trading start of the fund units of the Open Investment Fund ETF BET Tradeville

Friday, 24 August 2012

Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB) announces the trading start of the fund units of the Open Investment Fund ETF BET Tradeville (symbol: TVBETETF; ISIN: ROETF0000019) on the BVB regulated market as of August 29, 2012.

ETF BET Tradeville is the first ETF listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange, which diversifies the investment options available on BVB.

Issuer details:

 name: SAI Vanguard Asset Management SA
 address: 34-36 Carol I Blvd., IBC Modern Building, 10th floor, 2nd District, Bucharest
 phone: +40- 021 – 3369283; fax: +40- 021 – 3369281
 web site: www.sai-vanguard.ro

Additional information on the ETF is available on the issuers’ website http://sai-vanguard.ro/page/fondul-etf-bet.aspx
Trading of the fund units will be simillar to shares, within the main market for shares (encoded REGS), respectively the trading schedule and the variation limits are identical to the ones aplicable for shares and the trading block is 1.

ETF BET Tradeville will benefit of the SSIF Tradeville market maker services, according to the market maker parametres, available on the link:

BVB will not perceive tariffs and commissions for ETFs on the spot market for the next six month since the first ETF is launched.

For more information, please contact us at email communication@bvb.ro.