Lahore Stock Exchange Is Organizing A “Roundtable Listed Companies” On Monday, February 25

Friday, 22 February 2013

The Lahore Stock Exchange is facilitating the capital formation process through primary market regulatory functions and also by providing a liquid, fully automated and well regulated secondary market.
In order to reach out to listed companies and hear about their experience of listing at this Exchange, LSE is organizing a “Roundtable of Listed Companies” on February 25, 2013 at LSE auditorium. The whole program would be monitored and supervised by the Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of Lahore Stock Exchange Mr. Aftab Ahmed Chaudhry him self.
The main purpose of the event is to highlight the services offered by the Exchange to listed entities and also to get their feedback on these services. The roundtable will enable us to identify the difficulties faced by the listed entities in meeting the ongoing compliance requirements and to prepare a list of solutions/recommendations suggested by the representatives of listed companies which are participating in this seminar. These recommendations will be implemented to improve the quality of services being offered by the Exchange and to facilitate the companies in meeting the requirements of listing regulations and the revised Code of Corporate Governance. The event is also expected to bridge the communication gap between the exchange and the listed companies.