Bucharest Stock Exchange: www.RoCapMarketModern.ro Is Launched Today

Monday, 24 March 2014

Official website for the capital market reform focused on eliminating the barriers standing against the development of the capital market in Romania
Updates on regulatory steps taken to eliminate the eight barriers of the capital market
“It is with greatest hopes that the capital market community receives the personal engagement of so many reputable experts and authorities, part of the GREAT BARRIERS SHIFT Task Force, in undertaking a substantial reform of the regulations and practices that at present define the pace of development of the capital market.” said Ludwik Sobolewski, BVB CEO.
GREAT BARIERS SHIFT Task Force is a group of market leaders, practitioners and representatives of the public administration, established in November last year, whose aim is to define major obstacles which currently impede the Romanian capital market to evolve into a modern structure generating considerable flows of capital. The removal of those barriers will result, for the capital market, in a chance to be an important tool for the national economy and a significant contributor to the economic growth.
The initiative of reforming the capital market in Romania and the barriers identified were presented on February 12, 2014, in the dedicated conference CREATING AN INTERNATIONAL CAPITAL MARKET IN ROMANIA. The event was organised under the auspices of the National Bank of Romania and in partnership with the Financial Supervisory Authority.
www.RoCapMarketModern.ro presents the activity and initiatives of the Great Barriers Shift Task Force.
Florin Pogonaru, Leader of the Capital Market Working Group under the Coalitia pentru Dezvoltarea Romaniei, stated: “We could not help noticing that the capital market in Romania is below the potential offered by the home country. We could not help noticing that the Romanian capital market, in its way of becoming a growth leverage for the national economy, needs for the barriers which stand against its development to be eliminated. We are part of this project because we believe that without it the capital market in Romania will not be able to overpass its limits, and Romania will not be able to benefit of the well-deserved interest from domestic and foreign institutional investors.”