Ljubljana And Zagreb Stock Exchanges Investor Day

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

On 26 May 2015 Ljubljana and Zagreb Stock Exchanges Investor Day will be held in Zagreb (Hotel International, Miramarska 24).
The Joint Conference will enable investors to meet eminent Croatian and Slovenian listed companies on a one- to-one basis.
The following companies will participate:
Ljubljana Stock Exchange Zagreb Stock Exchange
Intereuropa Atlantic Grupa
Gorenje Granolio
Krka Hrvatski telekom
Luka Koper Ledo
Petrol Podravka
Pozavarovalnica Sava Tankerska Next Generation
Zavarovalnica Triglav Valamar Riviera

At 10am there will be a Croatian and Slovenian capital market presentation for all interested media representatives.
Please confirm your attendance by sending an email to metka.sipek@ljse.si by May 18, 2015.
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