At The Presence Of 5 Ministers… EGX Lunches Its First Museum

Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Ms. Dalia Khurshid, Minister of Investment together with Dr. Mohammed Omran, EGX Chairman, opened the first EGX Museum, which capture more than 130 years of the history of the Egyptian capital market. Minister of Social Solidarity, Minister of Local Development, Minister of Manpower and Immigration and Minister of Public Enterprise Sector attended the opening celebration.

Ms. Dalia Khurshid, Minister of Investment, stated that building a strong economy requires achieving sustainable growth rate exceeding 7%; this demands exerting more efforts as well as activating the role of the banking and non-banking sectors to attract more investments.

Dr. Mohammed Omran , declared that the EGX Museum represents a fundamental step to document Egyptian economic history, where it tells the story of more than 130 years of effort done by the Egyptian Exchange to serve the economy.

Dr. Omran added that the museum houses rare documents that go back to several decades ago, collected and re-restored through years of hard work with the help of numerous partner protecting the heritage.