Iran Fara Bourse CEO Invites Blockchain Activists to Share Ideas and Solutions

Monday, 22 July 2019

In order to resolve the challenges facing the capital market through blockchain technology, IFB CEO invited all the blockchain teams to share their ideas and solutions with Iran Fara Bourse stock exchange (blockchain committee) and stated that the very stock exchange is willing to hear the blockchain activist comments and solutions on three different subjects in accordance with Iran Fara Bourse visions.

Recently Amir Hamooni has pointed out that over recent years, financial technologies have changed business perspectives and the fact that financial markets moving towards electronic service is turning into the integral part of the world economy. He then continued: “Financial markets in Iran, also taking advantage of the knowledge of specialists in the field of modern technologies as well as the capacity of the fintech startups, have accelerated significantly in accordance with new technological advances”.

Considering the blockchain technology as one of the key areas for financial technology, Hamooni added that since blockchain is expected to change financial markets with its own pros and cons, IFB is studying this over the past one-and-a-half year.

Following this, IFB CEO declared: “We invite experts in the blockchain ecosystem to announce their suggestions and share their experiences or solutions with IFB blockchain committee in the following three subjects: STO (Security Token Offering) Issuance and Transactions (like security tokens for crowdfunding)”,”ATO (Asset Token Offering) Issuance and Transactions ” and “Utilization of Smart Contracts in Transaction Processes”.

According to Hamooni, the formation of the Blockachain Committee, under the supervision of IFB Executive Board, aimed at examining the opportunities, threats and advantages and disadvantages of the new technology and (the committee) is obligated to review the proposed codes and regulatory frameworks of different stock exchanges and supervisory bodies of different countries in the field of cryptocurrencies and token issuance.

Besides, the Blockachain Committee is also assessing the potentials of country’s fintechs in order to create new blockchain instruments and counsel the policy-makers.

Finally, the activists and those interested in Blockchain with experience in this field can submit their proposals (on the three subjects mentioned above) along with their CVs and scientific works by August 6th. to IFB blockchain committee email at