Freedom Finance ETNs are Listed on AIX

Thursday, 24 December 2020


Astana International Exchange (“AIX”, “Exchange”) in cooperation with Freedom Finance JSC (“Freedom Finance”) is pleased to announce the listing of new exchange-traded notes – Freedom Finance IPO Fund Exchange Traded Notes (“ETNs”, “Notes”) linked to the performance of its Fund of Initial Public Offerings. These Notes are issued by a Special Purpose Company (“SPC”) – Fund of Initial Public Offerings SPC Limited, whose sole assets are units in a closed-end unit investment fund of financial instruments “Fund of Initial Public Offerings” and cash. The notes will be traded on AIX with Freedom Finance JSC acting as an investment adviser (to the SPC) and a Market Maker, providing easy access and liquidity for investors.

Tim Bennett, CEO of AIX, commented:

“We welcome the listing of Freedom Finance ETNs as it provides a new investment opportunity for Kazakh investors.”

Sergey Lukyanov, Chairman of the Management board of Freedom Finance, noted:

“We are pleased to announce that AIX is already the fourth marketplace for the IPO Fund. It expands the presence of our Fund. We are bringing one more retail product to AIX to give investors more opportunities and tools to trade. We believe that listing this instrument on AIX will contribute to the development of the stock market in Kazakhstan.”

Background information:

AIX was formed in 2017 under the development of the Astana International Financial Center. The shareholders of AIX are the Astana International Financial Center, Goldman Sachs, Shanghai Stock Exchange, Silk Road Foundation, and NASDAQ, which also represents the AIX trading platform. The Exchange is operating within the legal and regulatory environment in the common English law jurisdiction, thereby assuring the reliability of the investment environment. AIX has the mission of developing an active capital market in Kazakhstan and the region by ensuring clear and favorable conditions for raising funds for public and private businesses. AIX develops special segments for mining enterprises, and implements infrastructure projects as part of the “Belt and Way” initiative. More detailed information is available at

AIFC. The Astana International Financial Center was created at the initiative of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Elbasy Nursultan Nazarbayev, under the Plan of the Nation “100 Steps to Implement Five Institutional Reforms”. On July 2, 2020, the Center’s Development Strategy until 2025 was adopted at the meeting of the AIFC Management Board. In accordance with it, the AIFC vision lies in achieving the status of a leading international financial center in the region that includes Central Asia, Caucasus, the EEU countries, Western China, Mongolia and Eastern Europe.  The AIFC’s mission is to promote sustainable long-term development of the region. As noted by Head of State K. Tokayev, “the AIFC, given its unique capabilities, can serve as a universal platform that connects the countries of the region.” The strategic directions of the AIFC’s sustainable development include the development of a close-loop economy, financial technologies and a “digital financial center”.

Freedom Finance JSC provides its clients with brokerage services at the Kazakhstan Stock Exchange and AIX, market maker services, arranging debt and equity financing, and financial consulting services. The company is part of the international investment group Freedom Holding Corp. The holding’s shares are listed on the Nasdaq Capital Market under the ticker FRHC. Freedom Finance JSC holds B- / B rating with positive outlook of the international rating agency S&P Global Ratings, and kzBB level on the national rating scale.