Thursday, 17 February 2022


The Belarusian Currency and Stock Exchange and Belagroprombank signed a Cooperation Agreement providing for the publication on the BCSE website of information on significant corporate events of the bank.

Belagroprombank has become another partner of the BCSE in the field of disclosure of information on corporate events of issuers whose securities have been included into BCSE official quotation lists. The conclusion of this Agreement is aimed at further development of the organized securities market in the Republic of Belarus

This new BCSE approach to work with issuers will contribute to implementing international corporate governance standards, increasing the transparency of the securities market, the attractiveness of including securities into BCSE quotation lists, as well as increasing the awareness of market participants about the most important events of issuers that may affect the formation of market price of securities.

About Belagroprombank

Belagroprombank is one of the largest universal financial institutions in the country, one of the leaders in the market of banking services for retail and corporate clients. It also acts as an authorized bank of the Government of the Republic of Belarus for servicing state programs.

Shares of Belagroprombank have been listed on BCSE and have been included into the Quotation List of the First Level of the Market of State Enterprises since October 7, 2020.