Borsa İstanbul will be at International Derivatives Expo (IDX) in London

Thursday, 20 June 2013

The merger stipulates the migration of the futures contracts currently traded on TURKDEX to Borsa İstanbul Futures & Options Market (VIOP), and thereby, all futures and options contracts will start to be traded on a single platform by August 5, 2013.

As of May 3, 2013, TURKDEX is wholly (%100 share) owned by Borsa İstanbul. The merger stipulates the migration of the futures contracts currently traded on TURKDEX to Borsa İstanbul Futures & Options Market (VIOP), and thereby, all futures and options contracts will start to be traded on a single platform by August 5, 2013.

Borsa İstanbul will provide further information on the said merger and transition process at the International Derivatives Expo (IDX) in London on June 25-26.

You can visit us at booth #41.