Lahore Stock Exchange: Bushra Naz Malik Appointed As Member Competition Commission Pakistan

Friday, 8 March 2013

Ms.Bushra Naz Malik, a renowned corporate leader and director on the board of the Lahore Stock Exchange has been appointed as a member of the competition watchdog of the country, the competition commission of Pakistan. Her appointment has been made for a period of three years from the date of appointment of her charge.
According to a notification issued by the government of Pakistan, Finance division, dated March 5 2013, the appointment of Ms. Bushra has been made with immediate effect. Ms Bushra Naz Malik is a chartered accountant by profession and has an MBA degree from Kellogg School of Business, USA and is also a graduate of the advance management program from the Harvard School of Business.
Ms Bushra is currently also serving as a member of the board of advisor of International Labor Organization ILO, Geneva Switzerland .She has also held senior positions in the finance and the strategic areas of different corporate entities in Pakistan.
The corporate and the business community of the country including the members and the management of the Lahore Stock Exchange have extended heartiest felicitations to Ms. Bushra on her appointment.