Tehran Stock Exchange Offers A Giant Petrochemical Holding Company

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

On 16 April 2013, five percent of equity shares of the state-owned Persian Gulf Petrochemical Industry Holding Company (PGPIC) (Equivalent of 1.2 billion shares) were offered in Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE) at the price of IRR 7500 per share with the total value of about IRR 9.2 trillion.
The holding includes the following parts:
A) Production Units (7 companies)
B) Procurement and service Units (8 companies)
The group produces polymers, aromatics, chemical and basic products, as well as feed stock at the total nominal capacity of over 22 thousand tons.
PGPIC, after its IPO, now holds around 9 percent of TSE’s total market capitalization, which is currently above IRR 201 trillion.