Bahrain Bourse clarification

Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Bahrain Bourse Head of Public Relations & Marketing, Ali Al Mansoor denied the news that was published in some of the Gulf Newspapers yesterday concerning the bourse’s intention to enter into a strategic partnership with another bourse in order to boost its liquidity. Ali Al Mansoor assured that the news that was published is totally not true.
Ali Al Mansoor also denied that the bourse has been closed due to the situation in the Kingdom earlier this month, confirming that the bourse continued providing its trading, settlement & central depository, and data feed services to brokers and investors during the past period without any interruption or delay. This was clearly reflected on the reports released on Bahrain Bourse’s trading activity by business news providers, such Thomson Reuters and Bloomberg. 
Ali Al Mansoor also clarified that the bourse will be implementing a comprehensive strategy to increase trading turnover through several initiatives to be carried out in cooperation with some government institutions and the private sector. This will hopefully result in a positive outcome that will benefit all concerned parties related to the bourse.
Ali Al Mansoor requested the media to make sure of the accuracy of the news about the bourse, as some news coming from unreliable sources may confuse investors.