Baku Interbank Currency exchange (BBVB) has reached the greatest volume of the trade for all fifteen years period of activity

Thursday, 8 January 2009

In 2008 the Baku Interbank Currency exchange (BBVB) has reached the greatest volume of the trade for all fifteen years period of activity. Based on last year’s results- the volume of the trades in currency section was $2,495 billion. Thus the volume of the exchange trades has exceeded a turn of 2007 by 34 %. In the past year the currency section of an exchange was registered as 1209 transactions, where the average volume of each has reached $2,038 million. The yearly average volume of the currency trades at an exchange has exceeded for the first time $10,140 million by 39 which % is more than in 2007.
The aggregate volume of the trades on USD in Bourse E-system of trades – BEST has made $2,464 billion, and on tool EUR/AZN has made $33,600 million.
In total, past year at the BEST system 486 trading sessions were spent in which 35 banks have taken part.
In 2008, in the credit section of exchange, 150 transactions were registered,  that is 2 times more than the transactions in 2007, volume d as
$308,327 million. That has also exceeded also previous year’s volume by 4,4 times. Of the appointed volume, more than 57,3 % are the interbank credit bargains, which have been given out in AZN.