Belarusian Currency and Stock Exchange and St. Petersburg Currency Exchange signed Memorandum of Cooperation

Wednesday, 18 May 2022


The Belarusian Currency and Stock Exchange and the St. Petersburg Currency Exchange signed a Memorandum of Cooperation on May 17, 2022, aimed at developing organized financial markets of both countries.

During the IAE CIS General Meeting held in Minsk that welcomed representatives of 13 leading exchanges of the CIS countries, the BCSE Chairman of the Board Andrei Aukhimenia and CEO of the St. Petersburg Currency Exchange Boris Yaryshevsky signed a Memorandum of Cooperation directed on establishing and developing mutually beneficial cooperation in the field of studying and exchanging experience in using exchange trading instruments and technologies to promote the organized financial markets of both countries.

The Memorandum also provides for the exchange of experience in organizing exchange trading and improving the information and communication technologies, joint information and analytical work and training events, as well as other opportunities for interaction.

The signing of the Memorandum between the Belarusian Currency and Stock Exchange and the St. Petersburg Currency Exchange was another step in developing bilateral cooperation in the on-exchange sector, aimed at promoting the organized financial markets of both countries in the CIS.