Belgrade Stock Exchange launched new market indicator BELEXsentiment

Thursday, 9 June 2005

The family of the Belgrade Stock Exchange market indicators with which, Foreign Investors participate in shares, bonds and total volume (FIS, FIB, FIT) belongs, has been expanded by one new one, named the BELEXsentiment.

BELEXsentiment is an indicator created in the aim to identify predictions of market participants regarding market movement trends in the next month at the Belgrade Stock Exchange. The BELEXsentiment is a weighted average of the quantified sentiments of investment public, professional investors, universities and market research institutes. The BELEXsentiment is released and published in the media as well as on the Belgrade Stock Exchange web site on the first working day of the month to which it refers.

The BELEXsentiment has basis value of 100 points, and it may vary from 0 to 200 points. If the value of the BELEXsentiment is less than 100, it represents negative expectations of the examinees, while if it is greater than 100, it represents positive expectations concerning market trend.  The BELEXsentiment June value is 98,55 points.