FEAS Partner Event

Thursday, 7 October 2021


The Federation of Euro-Asian Stock Exchanges/FEAS is a partner of The Network Forum Middle East Meeting.

We are happy to announce about a new partnership between FEAS and The Network Forum.

The Network Forum Middle East Meeting 8-9 November 2021 are honoured to bring together the leading lights from the financial community in, and focusing on, the Middle East region. This online Meeting promises again to be the key gathering point for all capital market leaders from post-trade, asset management and servicing, investment banking and custody backgrounds. TNF looks forward to seeing this developing region further evolve in the coming years, and are excited to be bringing the community together here on an annual basis.

Find details about the event on the website:https://www.thenetworkforum.net/middleeast2021 

We wish success to our #PartnerEvent.