Opening ceremony of Financial Literacy Week

Monday, 20 March 2023


The Financial Literacy Week for Children and Youth dedicated to the promotion of financial literacy among children and youth started in Belarus on March 20, 2023. This annual campaign is held in 35 European countries all at the same time.

The Republic of Belarus joined the partnership of this international movement in 2013, and the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus is traditionally the coordinator of this information campaign.

The anniversary opening ceremony of the Financial Literacy Week for Children and Youth was held by BCSE in our country. According to the tradition, the students of Minsk secondary school № 201 started various educational activities on financial literacy in the country by ringing a BCSE symbolic bell at 10 o’clock on March 20, 2023.

Fifty schools from all regions of Belarus, from the capital to district centers, agro-towns and villages, simultaneously joined the online ceremony organized in a hybrid format.

Andrei Aukhimenia, the BCSE Chairman of the Board, and Yulia Sakovich, the Head of the Financial Literacy Department of the Information and Public Relations Department of the National Bank, addressed the children with their welcoming speeches.

The BCSE staff informed the young people about keeping records of income and expenses, saving and accumulating funds using publicly available financial instruments, including exchange-traded ones, described the BCSE activities and introduced its services, and products. At the end of the open lesson the students took an active part in a quiz organized by the BCSE staff to consolidate their knowledge. The event ended with an auction, during which students “purchased” prizes for the symbolic “currency of financial literacy” earned by correct answers to the quiz.

The knowledge acquired by the children during the lesson will form the basis for financial planning skills that will be helpful in their adult life.