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EGX Lights It’s Head Quarter in Blue on the World Autism Day

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CSE Bulletin for February 2019

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AIX CSD becomes a member of European Association of CSDs

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EGX Concludes its’ Capacity Building Training for 20 Stock Exchanges

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EGX in collaboration with the Administrative Control Authority launch a Workshop for 20 African Stock Exchange

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TSE’s Annual Trading Report in a Glance (Fiscal Year Ended 20 March 2019)

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Global Money Week 2019 started in the Republic of Belarus

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Ring the Bell with Global Money Week

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Egypt’s Stock Exchange meets African Development Bank on initiative to integrate Africa’s capital markets

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Turnover of Kazatomprom securities on AIX amounted to almost USD 16 mln since IPO

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As of March 20, 2019 amendment to Procedure of Execution of Deals on Stock Market under Scheme T+2 to be put into effect

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KASE’s Board of Directors approves revised Rules of offering of government treasury obligations

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EGX Chairman Participates in the Opening Session of “Portfolio Egypt 2019” Conference

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KASE Announces Opening Russian Ruble Correspondent Account With Eurasian Development Bank

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Bucharest Stock Exchange goes from minus to plus after the first two months this year

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AIX has selected KELER Group to provide post-trade services to AIX’s members for equity clearing and settlement

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“Finstars Plus” will be held in Tehran International Exhibition Center

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Tehran Stock Exchange Lists the Second Investment Bank

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Federation of Euro-Asian Stock Exchanges (FEAS) and its Member Armenia Securities Exchange (AMX) join the “Ring the Bell for Gender Equality” Initiative

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As of March 11, 2019 amendments to Automatic Repo Market Specification to be put into effect

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New structure of the BVB indices effective as of March 18 2019

Business Affairs:

Media Relations:

Diana Ghazaryan

Marketing and PR Manager
+374 44737727